Hey everyone,
I (James) just wanted to share a video my daughter and I put together today. A friend sent Jaida a paper doll and she wanted to make it into an animation. I've been messing around with some software (Anime Studio Debut). So we went for it.
I was getting in some Spanish time with my 3-year old son by watching Jim de la Luna on V-me. He really enjoys the show. He sits through both episodes totally focused on what's going on. I, on the other hand, get a little lost--actually a lot lost--trying to follow what the characters are saying. I rediscovered that Jim de la Luna has [CC] closed captions in Spanish! This was good for me because I can follow Spanish better by reading it. Here's a clip:
For more fun, kid-Spanish shows like Las Tres Mellizas Bebes, Lazy Town, Plaza Sesamo visit V-me (in Spanish) and try turning on the [CC], some but not all the shows will have it in Spanish.
Back in Oct or Nov the kids’ school had a 3-day training for parents to be Learning Leaders. This program establishes volunteers to assist with reading, writing, ESL, math and other academic activities at the elementary, middle school, and high school level, as well as non-instructional aid such as general office and library assistance.
I volunteer once a week for 2 hours, helping the English side of a class in the dual language program.
The teacher asked me to work with students who are English language learners. This prompted me to research more about ESL (English as a Second Language) teaching.
The kids I've been working with are wonderful and very receptive to my help.
For more information about this NYC program, visit Learning Leaders today.
Seis Preguntas que puedes preguntar a la maestra de tu hijo/a
The teacher facilitator in our workshop mentioned that oftentimes parents just ask about behavior and let the teacher do the talking regarding academics. Asking about behavior is good, of course, but here are some other questions parents can ask their child's teachers:
"Can you show me how my child is progressing in his/her work? (ask for running records, writing folders, math work, science, social studies)
"¿Puede mostrarme como esta progresando mi hijo/a in su trabajo escolar?
“What are my child's strengths?”
“What does my child seem to like to do the most?”
¿Qué es lo que mas le gusta hacer a mi hijo/a en la escuela?
“How are my child's social skills?”
¿Cómo es el comportamiento social de me hijo/a?
“What would you like to know about my child that would be helpful to you as his teacher?”
¿Qué informacion necesita saber sobre me hijo/a que le pueda ayudar a conocerlo mejor?
“What can we do at home to support you?”
¿Cómo puedo ayudar a mi hijo/a en casa para apoyarla?"
From the K-2 testing workshop I mentioned earlier:
One action step parents can do to see how their child is doing in school and what they're learning is to ask questions:
Yeah, I know...usually, when we as parents ask our children questions, the conversation may go something like this:
Parent: What did you do at school today?
Child: Nothing
Parent: Well, what did you learn?
Child: Nothing much.
Parent: How was lunch?
Child: Fine
You’ll see this conversation is going no where. But depending on the kinds of questions you ask your child, you can actually learn more about how their day was and what they did.
Here are some suggestions:
• “Tell me about the best part of your day.”
• “What’s your favorite time of day at school?”
• “Who did you sit with at lunch today?”
• “What was the hardest thing you had to do today?”
• “Who did you play with today? What did you play?”
• “Can you show me something you learned (or did) today?”
Move beyond "fine" and "nothing" answers by asking your child to describe his world. The key is to ask about things that are specific, but still open-ended.
Today is my birthday and I’m celebrating by participating in a forum at my daughters’ school.
The city is proposing standardized testing for K-2ndgrade students.
Can you believe that?!
My 5-year olds can barely copy down a sentence that I write for them, but the city thinks it can accurately assess how kindergarteners are doing, ascertain the quality of teaching, and determine teachers’ salaries based on these young children bubbling in answers on a Scantron sheet.
Some teachers and parents organized the forum to get the word out and make other parents aware of what’s brewing in the pot. The forum was divided into 4 workshops:
1) What is the difference between authentic assessment and standardized tests?
2) What is the difference between an authentic reading lesson and a “test preparation” lesson?
3) What is the emotional and developmental impact of standardized testing on young children?
4) How do we know what our children are learning?
I participated in workshop #4. Basically, we stressed that while it is important to know how our children are progressing and to ensure quality teaching, standardized testing for k-2nd graders is not the best means for doing so. We gave parents 8 action steps they can take to make sure their child is learning. We gave them examples of questions they can ask their children about their day. We gave them questions they can ask their child’s teachers. And we explained what the principal and administrators are doing to maintain quality instruction. (I'll post these steps and questions later)
Taking part of this forum was a pleasure for me. It felt good being part of a team of teachers, parents and administrators who are active, organized, and have a sincere passion for the children at the school. This was the first time I participated in a forum.
*Please visit these websites to learn more about this K-2 testing proposal.