Title: Spanish Lesson Plans for Children: Shapes Materials needed:
- United States of America flag (real or picture)
- Puerto Rico flag (real or picture)
- Shapes cut-outs (circle, triangle, rectangle, and square) in the colors (yellow, blue, red, green, and orange.)
- Bebé Donald hace un amigo de nieve/ Baby Donald Makes a Snow Friend: Baby’s 1st Disney Bilingual Book: A Book About Shapes
- Donald: Shapes Exercise #1 (Tuesday)
- Donald: Shapes Exercise #2 (Thursday)
- House Cut and Paste Activity (unrevealed)
Opening* (Transition from speaking English to speaking Spanish.)
In a plane we are going to Puerto Rico.
Fly, fly… (make it more fun by saying: fly high, fly low)
¡Hemos llegado! (We’ve arrived!)
Estamos en Puerto Rico (We’re in Puerto Rico. Hold up the Puerto Rican flag)
Welcome song (La cancion de bienvenido)
“Hola amigo”/ “Hello Friend” Boca Beth’s My 1st Songs cd
Exercise/Movement/Active Singing/Games
(3-4 activities based on theme)
1. Song/Cancion: The Spanish Vowels song
2. Song/Cancion: “Yo sé mis formas”/ “I Know My Shapes” Track #14 Boca Beth More-Mas cd
3. Song/Cancion: “Veo colores”/ “I See Colors” Track #4 Boca Beth My 1st Songs cd
4. Game/Juego: Yo espio/I Spy. Cut out the shapes (1 or 2 of each shape)—circle, triangle, square, rectangle--in the colors we learned in previous lesson and post them in different areas of the room. Then I say, for example:
Yo espio un círculo. I spy a circle. (After the child finds a circle, give praise and ask as a review:
¿Qué color es el círculo? What color is the circle?
Another example:
Yo espio un rectángulo amarillo. I spy a yellow rectangle.
(Praise and encouragement)
¡Buen hecho! Well done!
¡Lo hiciste! You did it!
¡Eso es! That's it!
¡Muy bien! Very good!
Vamos a descansar. Okay, let’s rest a little.
Story (cuento) Bebé Donald hace un amigo de nieve
Es la hora de leer un cuento. It’s time to read a story. Or, It’s storytime.
Vamos a leer un cuento. Let’s read a story.
(You can review rules for being good listeners in English.)
En inglés, Remember to be good listeners by sitting quietly and paying close attention to me while I read. Can you do that?
(Interaction with your child and the book).
Hay muchas formas en el libro. There are many shapes in the book.
Muestrame un círculo en esta página. Show me a circle on this page.
La pelota es un círculo. The ball is a circle.
La bola de nieve es un círculo. The snow ball is a circle.
los ojos the eyes
Muestrame un cuadrado. Show me a square.
los bloques the blocks
Muestrame un triángulo. Show me a triangle.
la zanahoria the carrot
los bloques the blocks
la cinta the hair bow (or ribbon)
(Other interactive questions) Te gusta el cuento? Did you like the story?
¿Cuál es tu forma favorita? What is your favorite shape?
Mi forma favorita es … My favorite shape is …
(Praise and encouragement) En inglés, You guys were very good listeners today. Gracias. And when I say “Gracias,” what do you say? (Most likely she’ll say, “De nada.”)
(Transition) Ahora, es la hora de hacer arte. Now it’s time to do art. Let’s put the book away and go to the table.
Arts and Crafts
Tuesday Exercise #1 Shapes Review Activity
1. Distribute the shapes review worksheet printed out in black and white
2. Have fun naming the shapes (just mention that oval = óvalo)
3. Have fun pointing out which shape is “grande” “big” or “pequeño” “small” in Spanish.
4. Then color shapes using interactive questions, for example:
Muestrame el círculo pequeño. Show me the small circle.
Punta al rectángulo grande. (not sure if this is the correct way to say, "Point." Point to the big rectangle.
Colorea el círculo pequeño rojo. Color the small circle red.
Colorea el círculo grande verde. Color the big circle green.
Colorea el cuadrado grande amarillo. Color the big square yellow.
Colorea el cuadrado pequeno azul. Color the small square blue.
Colorea el rectángulo grande naranja. Color the big rectangle orange.
Buen hecho! Well done!
Thursday Exercise #2
House Cut and Paste Activity (unrevealed)
(Optional activities) http://pbskids.org/dragontales/dragonfair/s_cassie.html
Find the Shape with Cassie from Dragon Tales (This particular game is not in Spanish, so just name the shape that Cassie is holding in Spanish, you could also say the color in Spanish and say: Let’s find the circles in this picture. Vamos a encontrar los círculos en esta foto.
Good Bye song
“Adios amigas, ya me voy.” Juguemos a Cantar cd
Closing Transition*
En avion volvemos de Puerto Rico (In a plane we are coming back from Puerto Rico)
Vuela, vuela.. (vuela alto, vuela bajo) (Fly, fly… fly high, fly low)
Veo los Estado Unidos (I see the United States)
We have arrived.
We are in the United States
* idea from Five Super-Easy and Fun Strategies to Immerse
Preschoolers in Spanish